This site provides you some unofficial acme statistics on CPAN authors, based on Acme::CPANAuthors modules and various CPAN-related databases.

Acme::CPANAuthors modules provide user-defined lists of CPAN authors, loosely grouped by country, or other criteria for fun and interest. Don't take them too seriously, though, because they are under Acme namespace (» Journal of acme). Nothing represents CPAN authors in the United States yet (which should be the largest by far -- maybe too large to maintain by a person), and Dutch people claim they don't do perl (in perl).

Have fun!

Regional Groups

Module NameLast ReleaseAuthorsActive Authors(*1)DistributionsAverage Kwalitee
Acme::CPANAuthors::Australian 2013-10-28 72 4 835 152.24
Acme::CPANAuthors::Austrian 2013-07-01 19 3 621 146.24
Acme::CPANAuthors::Belarusian 2013-09-25 3 0 50 147.94
Acme::CPANAuthors::Brazilian 2023-12-14 87 8 622 147.46
Acme::CPANAuthors::British 2019-08-26 299 26 3748 148.92
Acme::CPANAuthors::Canadian 2022-01-04 10 4 785 156.89
Acme::CPANAuthors::Catalonian 2016-02-14 8 0 84 147.81
Acme::CPANAuthors::Chinese 2018-04-26 65 2 509 146.69
Acme::CPANAuthors::Czech 2023-07-31 48 4 481 150.21
Acme::CPANAuthors::Danish 2018-12-02 15 4 178 146.77
Acme::CPANAuthors::Dutch 2009-10-29 0 0 0 0
Acme::CPANAuthors::EU 2014-05-12 514 52 6879 148.64
Acme::CPANAuthors::European 2014-05-12 735 67 8689 148.1
Acme::CPANAuthors::French 2010-11-09 126 9 935 148.3
Acme::CPANAuthors::German 2010-08-28 32 12 1300 149.25
Acme::CPANAuthors::Icelandic 2010-11-12 5 1 103 149.76
Acme::CPANAuthors::India 2013-09-12 67 1 234 141.68
Acme::CPANAuthors::Indonesian 2019-05-06 7 1 3350 155.62
Acme::CPANAuthors::Israeli 2020-10-22 19 2 551 147.59
Acme::CPANAuthors::Japanese 2022-06-25 666 26 3581 150.69
Acme::CPANAuthors::Korean 2015-01-28 16 0 77 151.66
Acme::CPANAuthors::Malaysian 2019-05-06 1 0 13 157.94
Acme::CPANAuthors::Norwegian 2010-09-11 31 4 292 146.5
Acme::CPANAuthors::Polish 2021-11-18 24 1 218 151.43
Acme::CPANAuthors::Portuguese 2010-08-11 37 1 453 146.53
Acme::CPANAuthors::Russian 2011-07-25 165 8 1298 145.26
Acme::CPANAuthors::Slovak 2023-06-25 6 1 105 148.81
Acme::CPANAuthors::Spanish 2016-02-14 28 1 283 147.71
Acme::CPANAuthors::Swedish 2019-03-14 6 1 132 144.56
Acme::CPANAuthors::Taiwanese 2019-12-16 27 2 527 145.54
Acme::CPANAuthors::Turkish 2018-12-24 8 1 61 152.41
Acme::CPANAuthors::Ukrainian 2011-07-25 13 0 124 150.58

*1 those who have released/updated at least one distribution on the CPAN in the past 365 days.

Non Regional Groups

Module NameLast ReleaseAuthorsActive AuthorsDistributionsAverage Kwalitee
Acme::CPANAuthors::Acme::CPANAuthors::Authors 2013-06-02 36 13 3466 154.05
Acme::CPANAuthors::AnyEvent 2010-10-15 35 8 1869 147.09
Acme::CPANAuthors::BackPAN::OneHundred 2019-08-18 50 32 11548 153.1
Acme::CPANAuthors::British::Companies 2019-08-26 12 0 39 142.95
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::MostScripts 2021-12-09 50 23 6011 153.14
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::OneHundred 2019-08-18 41 26 10268 153.26
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyDistributions 2023-11-25 2 2 3429 155.73
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyDistributions::AllTime 2024-06-12 7 3 4374 155.84
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyDistributions::Current 2024-06-12 2 2 3137 155.81
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyNewDistributions 2023-11-25 2 2 3429 155.73
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyNewDistributions::AllTime 2024-06-12 7 3 4374 155.84
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyNewDistributions::Current 2024-06-12 2 2 3137 155.81
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyReleases 2023-11-25 13 11 3793 155.3
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyReleases::AllTime 2024-06-12 18 13 6234 155.87
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::DailyReleases::Current 2024-06-12 18 18 4417 155.68
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyDistributions 2023-11-25 60 49 5956 154.63
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyDistributions::AllTime 2024-06-12 130 54 15387 152.38
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyDistributions::Current 2024-06-12 37 37 5461 155.3
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyNewDistributions 2023-11-25 60 49 5956 154.63
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyNewDistributions::AllTime 2024-06-12 130 54 15387 152.38
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyNewDistributions::Current 2024-06-12 37 37 5461 155.3
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyReleases 2023-11-25 221 185 11765 153.18
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyReleases::AllTime 2024-06-12 164 90 15241 152.29
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::MonthlyReleases::Current 2024-06-12 174 174 10495 153.94
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyDistributions 2023-11-25 13 9 3984 155.36
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyDistributions::AllTime 2024-06-12 48 23 9886 153.54
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyDistributions::Current 2024-06-12 13 13 3861 155.59
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyNewDistributions 2023-11-25 13 9 3984 155.36
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyNewDistributions::AllTime 2024-06-12 48 23 9886 153.54
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyNewDistributions::Current 2024-06-12 13 13 3861 155.59
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyReleases 2023-11-25 72 60 6799 154.19
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyReleases::AllTime 2024-06-12 59 40 10605 153.96
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::Streaks::WeeklyReleases::Current 2024-06-12 77 77 7808 154.57
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::TopDepended 2021-11-17 50 39 8669 154.34
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPAN::TopDepended::ByOthers 2021-11-17 50 39 5424 153.48
Acme::CPANAuthors::CPANTS::FiveOrMore 2010-07-28 888 147 24271 147.75
Acme::CPANAuthors::CodeRepos 2008-05-22 67 9 2300 148.98
Acme::CPANAuthors::DebianDev 2014-09-28 106 18 1760 150.18
Acme::CPANAuthors::DualLife 2023-05-20 61 39 4104 152.02
Acme::CPANAuthors::GeekHouse 2008-09-14 1 0 29 149.78
Acme::CPANAuthors::GitHub 2017-06-07 1835 300 30049 151.99
Acme::CPANAuthors::InMemoriam 2019-08-18 19 0 187 139.26
Acme::CPANAuthors::InMostCPANAuthors 2023-11-28 63 36 10431 153.53
Acme::CPANAuthors::MBTI::INTP 2017-03-08 1 0 189 155.62
Acme::CPANAuthors::MetaSyntactic 2016-06-19 12 6 3822 155.66
Acme::CPANAuthors::Misanthrope 2010-12-30 9 2 668 150.05
Acme::CPANAuthors::Nonhuman 2017-10-01 38 8 773 153.31
Acme::CPANAuthors::POE 2023-05-20 156 24 5413 150.86
Acme::CPANAuthors::Pumpkings 2012-03-23 32 10 2325 149.96
Acme::CPANAuthors::ToBeLike 2023-05-20 45 14 2760 155.03