Brazilian CPAN Authors

As of 2023-12-14, 87 authors are listed. If you are not listed, or wrongly listed, please inform the maintainer of the module via RT, or any other appropriate measures.

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Pause IDNameLast ReleaseDistributionsRecentKwalitee for the GameTotal KwaliteeJoinedLinks
ACPGUEDESAureliano Coelho Proenca Guedes0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
AGUIMARAAndre Guimaraes0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ALVAROÁlvaro Luiz Andrade0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ARFREITAS00002007-01-18CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ARVIEGASAndre Rodrigues Viegas0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
BBUSSBruno Caricchio Buss0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
BLABOSBlabos de Blebe2020-04-029098.27150.352009-07-17CPANTS / MetaCPAN
BNEGRAOBruno Negrao0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
BRASILSávio Menezes Sampaio0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
CAFEGRATZCarlos Fernando Avila Gratz0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
CAPOEIRABChase Whitener2024-05-0130199.44158.042005-08-27CPANTS / MetaCPAN
CCELSOCarlos Celso de Almeida2024-08-012193.75146.882004-11-16CPANTS / MetaCPAN
CCMELOCarmo Crediney de Melo0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DANIELMDaniel Mascarenhas0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DAVIEIRADenis Almeida Vieira Junior0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DFROZDaniel Froz Costa0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DONATOAZDonato Azevedo0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DRUOSODaniel Ruoso2016-07-2020095.77146.692000-04-25CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DSTHDaniel S. T. Hughes0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DVINCIDaniel Vinciguerra0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
EDENCEden Cardim0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
EDUARDOWJosé Eduardo Perotta de Almeida0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
EMARQUESÉverton da Silva Marques0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ENHERINGEduardo N. Hering0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ERANGELEduardo Rangel Thompson0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FALCAOAlex Falcao0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FCOFernando Correa de Oliveira2012-06-096092.71142.192008-04-03CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FERNANDESRodrigo Panchiniak Fernandes0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FERREIRAAdriano Ferreira2021-01-1559098.77154.132004-01-23CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FGLOCKFlávio Soibelmann Glock0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FRIGHETTIFabiano Reese Righetti0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GABIRUGabriel Andrade de Santana0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GABRIELGabriel Vieira0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GARUBreno G. de Oliveira2024-09-0355396.09150.32007-11-07CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GEOJSGeovanny Junio2020-07-214092.19142.972010-07-23CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GILSGil Magno Silva2021-11-2320100157.812015-03-03CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GMPASSOSGraciliano Monteiro Passos0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GNUSTAVOGustavo Leite de Mendonça Chaves2024-06-179199.31155.92008-07-18CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GONCALESItalo Buono Goncales0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
HERNANhernan6042024-04-1614194.2146.872010-09-21CPANTS / MetaCPAN
HODELPaul Hodel0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
IZUTIgor Sutton0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
JEANJean Carlo0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
JOENIOJoenio Costa2022-08-2112093.75145.462006-10-03CPANTS / MetaCPAN
KAUFMANNRafael Kaufmann0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
KCARNUTMarco Carnut0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LEANDROLeandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LEOBALTERLeonardo Balter0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LEOBETOLeonardo Alberto Souza0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LFAGUNDESLuis Henrique Cassis Fagundes0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LMCLuis Motta Campos0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LONEWOLFEdvaldo silva de Almeida Jr0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LORNLindolfo Rodrigues de Oliveira Neto0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
LRUOSOLeonardo Ruoso0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MAGOMarco Lima0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MANTOVANIDaniel de Oliveira Mantovani0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MARCIOMarcio de Souza Ferreira0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MDAMarco A P D'Andrade0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MONSENHORRicardo Luiz Filipo2011-05-1810100153.122005-05-10CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MOSCONIRodrigo Mosconi0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
NATTISUdlei D. R. Nattis0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
NFERRAZNelson Ferraz2023-04-127097.92152.092007-05-29CPANTS / MetaCPAN
NILSONSFJNilson Santos Figueiredo Júnior0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
NUBANuba Rodrigues Princigalli0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
PACMANTiago Peczenyj2024-01-0410097.22152.432011-05-09CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RECSKYFrederico Recsky0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RENTOCRONRenato Santos de Souza2021-07-084097.66154.692010-10-12CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RLOPESRafael Oliveira Lopes2014-09-2420100156.252014-01-23CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RMALAFAIARicardo Malafaia Senra Barros0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RSARANRogerio Saran0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RSDRaul Dias0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RUSSOZAlexei Znamensky2017-11-12130100156.732008-07-03CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RVRRenan Valente Rangel0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SHONORIOSolli Moreira Honorio0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SVITENTISandro Dias Pinto Vitenti0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SYPСтанислав Пусеп2024-04-0121199.85156.42000-05-22CPANTS / MetaCPAN
TBRThiago Berlitz Rondon0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
TERCEIROAntonio S. de A. Terceiro0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
THUNDERAMauro Ribeiro00002004-07-31CPANTS / MetaCPAN
TSVThiago de Souza Vieira0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
WORMJoner Cyrre Worm2006-11-2330100153.122006-09-06CPANTS / MetaCPAN
WREISWallace Reis2020-05-2814098.61152.432007-06-16CPANTS / MetaCPAN
XRENANrenan azevedo de carvalho0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN

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