Israeli CPAN Authors

As of 2020-10-22, 19 authors are listed. If you are not listed, or wrongly listed, please inform the maintainer of the module via RT, or any other appropriate measures.

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Pause IDNameLast ReleaseDistributionsRecentKwalitee for the GameTotal KwaliteeJoinedLinks
AMOSSAmos Shapira0000CPANTS / MetaCPAN
EILARARan Eilam2011-10-314093.75143.75CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FELIXLFelix Liberman2014-07-271062.5103.12CPANTS / MetaCPAN
GENIEGoldin Evgeny2001-07-151096.88146.88CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ISAACיצחק גולדסטנד2010-12-035093.75139.842002-01-08CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MIGOMikhael Goikhman2018-05-145090136.88CPANTS / MetaCPAN
NUFFINיובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman)2011-07-05157091.58138.582002-08-05CPANTS / MetaCPAN
PETERGPeter Gordon2007-06-251093.75143.75CPANTS / MetaCPAN
PRILUSKYJJaime Prilusky2003-05-202089.06135.94CPANTS / MetaCPAN
RAZINFOded S. Resnik2015-01-174093.75137.5CPANTS / MetaCPAN
REUVENReuven M. Lerner2001-08-191090.62140.62CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ROMMRoman M. Parparov2023-06-0850100155.472002-01-08CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SCHOPAriel Brosh (PAUSE Custodial Account)2002-07-0414082.29119.79CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SEMUELFShmuel Fomberg2013-09-207093.23142.19CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SHLOMIFShlomi Fish2025-02-141752299.78158.262002-12-22CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SHLOMOYShlomo Yona2005-01-264089.06140.62CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SMALYSHEVStanislav Malyshev1999-09-241087.5131.25CPANTS / MetaCPAN
SZABGABגאבור סבו - Gábor Szabó2025-01-1054195.88150.042001-12-12CPANTS / MetaCPAN
YOSEFMYosef Meller2005-10-085096.25141.88CPANTS / MetaCPAN

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