Catalonian CPAN Authors

As of 2016-02-14, 8 authors are listed. If you are not listed, or wrongly listed, please inform the maintainer of the module via RT, or any other appropriate measures.

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Pause IDNameLast ReleaseDistributionsRecentKwalitee for the GameTotal KwaliteeJoinedLinks
ALEXMAlex Muntada2021-01-2670100153.122002-06-11CPANTS / MetaCPAN
BREQUESENBernat Requesens2005-12-073083.34133.34CPANTS / MetaCPAN
DIEGOKDiego Kuperman2021-05-199098.27152.092006-01-15CPANTS / MetaCPAN
ENELLEnrique Nell2017-01-0250100154.372006-03-13CPANTS / MetaCPAN
FXNXavier Noria2012-02-124098.44145.31CPANTS / MetaCPAN
JAVIERJavier Arturo Rodríguez Gutiérrez2023-02-063097.92153.132008-06-04CPANTS / MetaCPAN
JLMARTINJose Luis Martinez Torres2022-06-0244093.32144.882008-03-07CPANTS / MetaCPAN
MRUIZMiquel Ruiz Martin2020-06-149099.31153.122010-05-03CPANTS / MetaCPAN

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